“Can I afford to go back to work?” – The ultimate calculator

Welcome, mama! Before you jump in, we wanted to share some wisdom on the best way to complete this calculator.

  • Be honest. You may want to skip a few sections or underestimate the amount, but try to be as honest and accurate as possible.

  • Take your time. This exercise gives you the perspective on the financial side of your decision, but it takes some time to get through every section. So grab your favourite drink, some popcorn, and get to it.

  • Ask for help. See the little chat box in the bottom right corner? Yeah, that’s us hanging out, hoping you will say hello. Not sure what to do? Shoot us a message!

  • Sharing is caring. Feel free to send the link to your girlfriends, your baby group, your mom, or your partner.

  • Have fun! This calculator gives you hard numbers, but ultimately the decision to become a stay-at-home parent or go back to work will depend on many other elements, emotions very much included.



Congratulations, you did it!!! Guess what – we’ve got so much more wisdom to share on parenting, childcare, free money (yes, you read that right), and family relationships. Check out some articles below: