Aging, Basics, Couples, Estate Planning, Parenthood, Wellness

The family mission statement – what is it and how to craft one?

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Instead of setting resolutions, we challenge you to try a different approach to set your intentions for 2019. What is the “why” behind your actions and relationships?

“A family mission statement is a combined, unified expression from all family members of what your family is all about – what it is you really want to do and be – and the principles you choose to govern your family life.” – Stephen Covey

A family mission statement isn’t a common tradition, but it should be. Just as companies explicitly set out their purpose for being, it is beneficial for a family to unite around a common goal that goes beyond simply surviving day-by-day.

Consider some of the inputs that might inform your family’s mission statement. What is your idea of your best life? What contribution do you see your family making as it grows? What are the guiding principles which inform all of these decisions? What are your overarching goals and standards? In short, what is your purpose?

The process of reviewing the questions outlined above will generate rich and meaningful conversation designed to bring everyone on the same page. You will discover beliefs your family holds that you may not have been aware of. Also, reviewing your common values and reinforcing them annually is a strong preventative move to help keep each other on the right path. Families tend to scramble in times of crisis and having a ready foundation is a much wiser approach.

This kind of conversation can be awkward, but we encourage you to give it a try. It will be a lot of fun and will really bring everyone closer together.

Does your family have any unifying beliefs that they follow? How do you preserve them?

To lead your family to prosperity, financial freedom and independence, you will need to complete Building your Leadership Skills Checklist.

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